First of all, not refrigerating your eggs will allow you to keep them longer: leave them at room temperature so you don’t have to throw them away. Eggs can lose their freshness quickly and are generally consumed 28 days from the date they were laid.
Leaving eggs at room temperature would make them better for baking. Recipes for pastries and cakes recommend using eggs that have not been refrigerated because they are easier to whisk. If you have this nutrient-rich food, you can for example make yourself a sugar-free and gluten-free dessert!
The egg has a protective coating on the outside that helps protect against bacteria and germs that might get inside. If you buy eggs and their cuticle is intact, there is no reason to refrigerate them. If you want to make peeling your eggs easier, you can use baking soda.
When you store your eggs cold, they are more likely to condense and the change in temperature promotes the growth of bacteria on the eggshell. Eggs do not withstand temperature changes well: if you have already put your eggs in the fridge, do not take them out
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